vdx_helper module

class vdx_helper.vdx_helper.VDXHelper(api_url: str, auth_url: str, client_secret: str, client_id: str)

Bases: object

Helper class that allows its users to connect to the VDX Core API with little fuss. Each method corresponds to an endpoint on the Core API, including all of its parameters. By default, the results are mapped into specific objects, but a JSON mapper can also be used (directly returns the results in JSON), as well as custom mappers. More information on mappers on the vdx_helper.mappers module.

To use, create an instance of this class by providing the required information, and then invoke any of the available methods. The authentication flow is fully dealt with by this class, as long as the correct client secret and URL is provided.

  • api_url (str) – The url for the VDX Core API. For example, https://vizidox.com/api

  • auth_url (str) – The url for the VDX Core API authentication server. For example, https://vizidox.com/auth

  • client_secret (str) – The client secret for authentication

  • client_id (str) – The client ID for authentication

create_credential(title: str, metadata: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any], tags: ~typing.Optional[~typing.Iterable[str]] = None, file_hashes: ~typing.Optional[~typing.List[str]] = None, cred_ids: ~typing.Optional[~typing.List[~uuid.UUID]] = None, expiry_date: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, mapper: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]], ~typing.Any] = <function credential_mapper>) Any

Create a new credential from a previously uploaded file, or provided metadata.

  • title (str) – The title of the credential

  • metadata (Dict[str, Any]) – Metadata values to filter by. A dictionary is expected with the key corresponding to the field name found in the metadata, and the value corresponding to that field’s value. Can be an empty dictionary as long as at least one file hash is provided.

  • tags (Iterable[str], optional) – Optional text tags that can be used to identify and filter the credential. Must have at least 3 characters, and can only contain alphanumeric characters, ‘-’ or ‘_’

  • file_hashes (List[str], optional) – List of hashes of files to associate to the credential. Must be hashes of files previously uploaded to the core API. Can be None as long as provided metadata is not empty.

  • cred_ids (List[uuid.UUID], optional) – List of credentials to associate to the new credential.

  • expiry_date (datetime.datetime, optional) – Date the credential should expire, if applicable

  • mapper (typing.Callable) – Optional mapper to change the format of the endpoint response


The result of the endpoint call

Return type:


delete_credential_tag(cred_uid: UUID, tag: str) None

Deletes a specific tag from the given credential.

  • cred_uid (uuid.UUID) – UUID of the credential to update

  • tag (str) – Tag to delete

download_certificate(cert_uid: UUID) BytesIO

Downloads the JSON proof file for the Certificate, containing all relevant Blockchain details as well as the metadata of the corresponding issued credential.


cert_uid (uuid.UUID) – UUID of the certificate to download


The result of the endpoint call

Return type:


get_certificates(mapper: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]], ~typing.Any] = <function get_paginated_mapper.<locals>.paginated_mapper>, *, job_uid: ~typing.Optional[~uuid.UUID] = None, cred_uid: ~typing.Optional[~uuid.UUID] = None, uid: ~typing.Optional[~uuid.UUID] = None, start_date: ~typing.Optional[~datetime.datetime] = None, end_date: ~typing.Optional[~datetime.datetime] = None, and_credential_tags: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, or_credential_tags: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, and_job_tags: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, or_job_tags: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, verification_status: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, **pagination: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]) Any

Retrieve all partner certificates, or filter by job, credential, uid, issued date (start_date < issued_date < end_date), and credential or job tags.

More information on tags on the VDX Core API official documentation.

Results are paginated, and the pagination parameters should be provided as keyword arguments.

For more information on the possible parameters, check the VDX Core API official documentation.

  • mapper (typing.Callable) – Optional mapper to change the format of the endpoint response

  • job_uid (uuid.UUID, optional) – Job UID to filter by

  • cred_uid – Credential UID to filter by

  • uid (uuid.UUID, optional) – Certificate UID to filter by

  • start_date (datetime.datetime, optional) – Filter by Certificates issued after the given start_date

  • end_date (datetime.datetime, optional) – Filter by Certificates issued before the given end_date

  • and_credential_tags (List[str], optional) – Filter Certificates of Credentials that contain all the given tags

  • or_credential_tags (List[str], optional) – Filter Certificates of Credentials that contain at least one of the given tags

  • and_job_tags (List[str], optional) – Filter Certificates issued on Jobs that contain all the given tags

  • or_job_tags (List[str], optional) – Filter Certificates issued on Jobs that contain at least one of the given tags

  • verification_status (str, optional) – Filter Certificates in the given verification status

  • pagination (Dict[str, Any]) – Keyword arguments for pagination


The result of the endpoint call

Return type:


get_credential(cred_uid: ~uuid.UUID, mapper: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]], ~typing.Any] = <function credential_mapper>) Any

Retrieve a specific credential from the Core API, via its UUID.

  • cred_uid (uuid.UUID) – Credential UID to obtain

  • mapper (typing.Callable) – Optional mapper to change the format of the endpoint response


The result of the endpoint call

Return type:


get_credentials(mapper: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]], ~typing.Any] = <function get_paginated_mapper.<locals>.paginated_mapper>, *, metadata: ~typing.Optional[~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]] = None, uid: ~typing.Optional[~uuid.UUID] = None, start_date: ~typing.Optional[~datetime.datetime] = None, end_date: ~typing.Optional[~datetime.datetime] = None, and_tags: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, or_tags: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, **pagination: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]) Any

Retrieve all partner credentials, or filter by metadata values, uid, upload_date (start_date < upload_date < end_date), and tags.

More information on tags on the VDX Core API official documentation. Results are paginated, and the pagination parameters should be provided as keyword arguments.

For more information on the possible parameters, check the VDX Core API official documentation.

  • mapper (typing.Callable) – Optional mapper to change the format of the endpoint response

  • metadata (dict, optional) – Metadata values to filter by. A dictionary is expected with the key corresponding to the field name found in the metadata, and the value corresponding to that field’s value.

  • uid (uuid.UUID, optional) – Credential UID to filter by

  • start_date (datetime.datetime, optional) – Filter by Credentials uploaded after the given start_date

  • end_date (datetime.datetime, optional) – Filter by Credentials uploaded before the given end_date

  • and_tags (List[str], optional) – Filter Credentials that contain all the given tags

  • or_tags (List[str], optional) – Filter Credentials that contain at least one of the given tags

  • pagination (Dict[str, Any]) – Keyword arguments for pagination


The result of the endpoint call

Return type:


get_file(file_hash: str, mapper: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]], ~typing.Any] = <function file_mapper>) Any

Retrieve file details by its hash.

  • file_hash (str) – File hash to retrieve

  • mapper (typing.Callable) – Optional mapper to change the format of the endpoint response


The result of the endpoint call

Return type:


get_files(mapper: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]], ~typing.Any] = <function get_paginated_mapper.<locals>.paginated_mapper>, file_hash: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, **pagination: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]) Any

Retrieve all files uploaded by the Partner, or filter them via their hash.

  • mapper (typing.Callable) – Optional mapper to change the format of the endpoint response

  • file_hash (str, optional) – File hash to filter by

  • pagination (Dict[str, Any]) – Keyword arguments for pagination


The result of the endpoint call

Return type:


get_job(job_uid: ~uuid.UUID, mapper: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]], ~typing.Any] = <function job_mapper>) Any

Retrieve a specific job from the Core API, via its UUID.

  • job_uid (uuid.UUID) – Job UID to obtain

  • mapper (typing.Callable) – Optional mapper to change the format of the endpoint response


The result of the endpoint call

Return type:


get_job_certificates(job_uid: ~uuid.UUID, and_tags: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, or_tags: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, mapper: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]], ~typing.Any] = <function get_paginated_mapper.<locals>.paginated_mapper>, **pagination: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]) Any

Retrieve all certificates issued in a specific Job, or filter by tags.

More information on tags on the VDX Core API official documentation.

Results are paginated, and the pagination parameters should be provided as keyword arguments.

For more information on the possible parameters, check the VDX Core API official documentation.

  • job_uid (uuid.UUID) – UID of the job

  • and_tags (List[str], optional) – Filter Certificates issued from credentials that contain all the given tags

  • or_tags (List[str], optional) – Filter Certificates issued from credentials that contain at least one of the given tags

  • mapper (typing.Callable) – Optional mapper to change the format of the endpoint response

  • pagination (Dict[str, Any]) – Keyword arguments for pagination


The result of the endpoint call

Return type:


get_job_credentials(job_uid: ~uuid.UUID, and_tags: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, or_tags: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, mapper: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]], ~typing.Any] = <function get_paginated_mapper.<locals>.paginated_mapper>, **pagination: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]) Optional[Any]

Retrieve all credentials issued in a specific Job, or filter by tags.

More information on tags on the VDX Core API official documentation.

Results are paginated, and the pagination parameters should be provided as keyword arguments.

For more information on the possible parameters, check the VDX Core API official documentation.

  • job_uid (uuid.UUID) – UID of the job

  • and_tags (List[str], optional) – Filter Credentials that contain all the given tags

  • or_tags (List[str], optional) – Filter Credentials that contain at least one of the given tags

  • mapper (typing.Callable) – Optional mapper to change the format of the endpoint response

  • pagination (Dict[str, Any]) – Keyword arguments for pagination


The result of the endpoint call

Return type:


get_jobs(mapper: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]], ~typing.Any] = <function get_paginated_mapper.<locals>.paginated_mapper>, *, job_status: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, uid: ~typing.Optional[~uuid.UUID] = None, start_date: ~typing.Optional[~datetime.datetime] = None, end_date: ~typing.Optional[~datetime.datetime] = None, and_tags: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, or_tags: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, **pagination: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]) Any

Retrieve all partner jobs, or filter by a specific status, uid, issued date (start_date < issued_date < end_date), and tags.

More information on tags on the VDX Core API official documentation. Results are paginated, and the pagination parameters should be provided as keyword arguments. For more information on the possible parameters, check the VDX Core API official documentation.

  • mapper (typing.Callable) – Optional mapper to change the format of the endpoint response

  • job_status (str, optional) – Filter jobs with the given status

  • uid (uuid.UUID, optional) – Job UID to filter by

  • start_date (datetime.datetime, optional) – Filter Jobs that were issued after the given start_date

  • end_date (datetime.datetime, optional) – Filter Jobs that were issued before the given end_date

  • and_tags (List[str], optional) – Filter Jobs that contain all the given tags

  • or_tags (List[str], optional) – Filter Jobs that contain at least one of the given tags

  • pagination (Dict[str, Any]) – Keyword arguments for pagination


The result of the endpoint call

Return type:


property header: Dict[str, Any]

Creates a header structure to be used by all requests for authentication.


The request header

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

issue_job(engine: str, mapper: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]], ~typing.Any] = <function job_mapper>) Any

Immediately issues the next scheduled job for the given blockchain engine, if there are scheduled credentials.

  • engine (str) – Blockchain engine to issue

  • mapper (typing.Callable) – Optional mapper to change the format of the endpoint response


The result of the endpoint call

Return type:


replace_credential_tags(replace_credential_tags: Iterable[Dict[str, List[str]]]) None

Replaces all the given credential tags with the new ones.

Example format of the parameter:

        "credential_uid": "81fe5e08-46e4-11ec-81d3-0242ac130003",
        "tags": ["tagA","tagB","tagC"]
        "credential_uid": "7f026924-b3f8-4670-bc65-37fd7da8867c",
        "tags": ["tagD"]

replace_credential_tags (dict) – Dictionary containing the credential UUIDs to update and the new tags to replace the old ones with

replace_job_tags(replace_job_tags: List[Dict[str, Any]]) None

Replaces all the given job tags with the new ones.

Example format of the parameter:

        "job_uid": "81fe5e08-46e4-11ec-81d3-0242ac130003",
        "tags": ["tagA","tagB","tagC"]
        "job_uid": "7f026924-b3f8-4670-bc65-37fd7da8867c",
        "tags": ["tagD"]

replace_job_tags (Dict[str, Any]) – Dictionary containing the job UUIDs to update and the new tags to replace the old ones with

revoke_certificate(cert_uid: UUID) datetime

Revokes a certificate via its UID, making it no longer valid.


cert_uid (uuid.UUID) – UID of the certificate to be revoked


The date the certificate was revoked at

Return type:


revoke_certificate_by_credential(cred_uid: UUID, engine: str) datetime

Revokes a certificate via the credentials UID and for a specific engine, making it no longer valid.

  • cred_uid (uuid.UUID) – UID of the credential to be revoked

  • engine (str) – Blockchain engine to revoke the credential on


The date the certificate was revoked at

Return type:


schedule_credentials(engine: str, credentials: ~typing.List[~uuid.UUID], mapper: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]], ~typing.Any] = <function job_mapper>) Any

Schedule the given list of credentials to be issued on the Blockchain engine.

  • engine (str) – Blockchain Engine to schedule the credentials

  • credentials (List[uuid.UUID]) – List of UUIDs of the credentials to schedule

  • mapper (typing.Callable) – Optional mapper to change the format of the endpoint response


The result of the endpoint call

Return type:


update_credential_tags(updated_credential_tags: Iterable[Dict[str, List[str]]]) None

Add new tags to one or more credentials. Previous credential tags are not changed.

Example format of the parameter:

        "credential_uid": "81fe5e08-46e4-11ec-81d3-0242ac130003",
        "tags": ["tagA","tagB","tagC"]
        "credential_uid": "7f026924-b3f8-4670-bc65-37fd7da8867c",
        "tags": ["tagD"]

updated_credential_tags (Dict[str, List[str]]) – Dictionary containing the credential UUIDs to update and the new tags to add

update_job_tags(updated_job_tags: List[Dict[str, Any]]) None

Add new tags to one or more jobs. Previous job tags are not changed.

Example format of the parameter:

        "job_uid": "81fe5e08-46e4-11ec-81d3-0242ac130003",
        "tags": ["tagA","tagB","tagC"]
        "job_uid": "7f026924-b3f8-4670-bc65-37fd7da8867c",
        "tags": ["tagD"]

updated_job_tags (Dict[str, Any]) – Dictionary containing the job UUIDs to update and the new tags to add

upload_file(file_stream: ~typing.BinaryIO, ignore_duplicated: bool = False, mapper: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]], ~typing.Any] = <function file_mapper>) Any

Upload a file to the Core API servers.

  • file_stream (BinaryIO) – File to be uploaded

  • ignore_duplicated (bool) – Flag indicating if duplicate files should be ignored. If true, and the file has already been uploaded previously, it will be re-uploaded

  • mapper (typing.Callable) – Optional mapper to change the format of the endpoint response


The result of the endpoint call

Return type:


verify_by_certificate(filename: str, file_stream: ~typing.BinaryIO, file_content_type: str, mapper: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]], ~typing.Any] = <function verification_mapper>) Any

Verify a certificate via its proof file.

  • filename (str) – Name of the file

  • file_stream (BinaryIO) – Certificate proof file stream

  • file_content_type (str) – Content type of the file

  • mapper (typing.Callable) – Optional mapper to change the format of the endpoint response


The result of the endpoint call

Return type:


verify_by_credential_uid(cred_uid: ~uuid.UUID, mapper: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]], ~typing.Any] = <function get_paginated_mapper.<locals>.paginated_mapper>, **pagination: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]) Any

Verify certificates via their credential UID. Results are paginated, and the pagination parameters should be provided as keyword arguments.

For more information on the possible parameters, check the VDX Core API official documentation.

  • cred_uid (uuid.UUID) – UUID of the credential

  • mapper (typing.Callable) – Optional mapper to change the format of the endpoint response

  • pagination (Dict[str, Any]) – Keyword argument containing the pagination parameters


The result of the endpoint call

Return type:


verify_by_file(filename: str, file_stream: ~typing.BinaryIO, file_content_type: str, mapper: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]], ~typing.Any] = <function get_paginated_mapper.<locals>.paginated_mapper>, **pagination: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]) Any

Verify a certificate via the credential file. Results are paginated, and the pagination parameters should be provided as keyword arguments.

For more information on the possible parameters, check the VDX Core API official documentation.

  • filename (str) – Name of the file

  • file_stream (BinaryIO) – Certificate file stream

  • file_content_type (str) – Content type of the file

  • mapper (typing.Callable) – Optional mapper to change the format of the endpoint response

  • pagination (Dict[str, Any]) – Keyword argument containing the pagination parameters


The result of the endpoint call

Return type:


verify_by_uid(cert_uid: ~uuid.UUID, mapper: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]], ~typing.Any] = <function verification_mapper>) Any

Verify a certificate via its UID.

  • cert_uid (uuid.UUID) – UUID of the certificate to verify

  • mapper (typing.Callable) – Optional mapper to change the format of the endpoint response


The result of the endpoint call

Return type:
