
The VDX Core API is a REST API that provides developers with a simple-to-use interface to several Blockchains for the purpose of issuing Blockchain verifiable credentials. If you want to integrate the VDX Core API into your own Python project, then the vdx-helper library is the easiest way to do so.

Read more about the API itself to understand each endpoint and how to issue your files. Check out the Quick Start section to learn more about the vdx-helper lib, how to install and start using it.


  • Upload your files and create digital credentials for them

  • Issue your digital credentials on the Blockchain without requiring much technical knowledge nor having to manage a wallet

  • Multiple Blockchains are available

  • Verify issued credentials as many times as you want, whenever, at no cost

Commercial Support

This project is developed and maintained by Vizidox Solutions Limited. If you require assistance on your project(s), please contact us at info@vizidox.com.